ReadSpeaker text to speech at the largest school district in the state of California
The Anaheim Union High School District is the premiere school system in the premiere
county in the state of California. Founded in 1898, the AUHSD has a student population of
approximately 31,000, making it one of the largest school districts in the state. The District
covers 46 square miles and stretches across the cities of Anaheim, Cypress, Buena Park, La
Palma and Stanton. Our students, who speak 49 different languages in their homes, attend
21 campuses, and come to us from five feeder elementary districts. Renee Citlau has taught high school for the Anaheim Union High School
District (AUHSD) for sixteen years. Renee has kindly accepted
to give us her feedback on text to speech as a resource to help students.