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The power of The EverLearner is in its simplicity

Epsom College

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The power of TEL is in its simplicity. From the outset, the data available to teaching staff via the dashboard is informative, fast and intuitive to u

The power of TEL is in its simplicity. From the outset, the data available to teaching staff via the dashboard is informative, fast and intuitive to use. Here at Epsom College we have immersed TEL into teaching through flipped and blended learning and as a regular formative assessment tool alongside teacher explanation and modelling.

The in-depth video lessons, often 5 to 10 minutes in length allow students to learn at their own pace, clarify knowledge taught to them previously or check-in to specific sections identified as knowledge gaps from TEL data. At Epsom College our T&L mantra is that ‘knowledge must precede skill’; without doubt TEL assists students on their path to mastery. To aid the consolidation of content, students can make personal detailed notes on the video lessons and can then use these, in an aptly called ‘practice mode’, to attempt test questions with confidence. For a more realistic challenge, pupils can then engage in deliberate practice by attempting the relevant chapter checkpoint questions providing an assessment opportunity without the open access to their notes.

Throughout, teachers verbally develop a culture of excellence by provoking students to think about how they can offer more detailed answers to well produced exam style questions; aided by the feedback and review function built into both the test mode and checkpoint sections of TEL. The development of independence comes naturally as students explore TEL’s content. At Epsom College we have found that students accelerate through subject content with this degree of freedom, alongside the setting of compulsory prep/homework via TEL’s comprehensive assignment module. A final gem is the built-in messaging service, which offers students and teachers alike the opportunity to promote discussions around specific subject knowledge, either as a group or as individuals.

Undoubtedly, the use of TEL has had an impact on our T&L. Students in GCSE and A-level PE have become more astute at knowledge gap identification, assisted by data generated from the test mode and checkpoints which can help target their revision. Differentiation both in and outside of the classroom is a seamless proposition with the ability to create challenging and appropriate individual learning pathways, often self-driven and initiated. The transition from copy/learn student note taking, to utilising each student’s iPad, PC or smart phone has been a smooth process with teachers developing into assured facilitators with unquestionable subject knowledge, there to scaffold, challenge and promote growth.

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