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Sir Linkalot: The Future Of Spelling App, Sir Linkalot

Sir Linkalot: Case Study 03- January 2020

Leigh West Junior School, Southend, Essex

Age Range

This 2020 study focused on 440 children (7 to 11 years old) from an Essex primary school, gathering data over a five week period.

It tested children on their spelling of 20 extremely difficult words before and after using the Sir Linkalot app. The children were tested initially with their scores being recorded. They then viewed the spelling animations on the app just once and were tested again one month later without viewing them again. Their average initial score was 4.25 out of 20 and 12.15 afterwards with 99% of the children improving their score. Not one of the 440 children got full marks before but 68 did afterwards with their average initial score being 8. Incredible. The school’s headteacher, John Lear, said ” It’s a genuine thrill to see the children, many of whom have struggled with spelling, achieve success whilst having fun. I cannot recommend the app highly enough.”

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