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Sir Linkalot: The Future Of Spelling App, Sir Linkalot

Sir Linkalot: Case Study 02- September 2019

South East England primary schools

Age Range

This 2019 study focused on 450 children (7 to 11 years old) from 12 primary schools including 141 SEN & PP children, over five weeks.

It tested children of all abilities on their spelling of 25 different words of varying difficulty before and after using the Sir Linkalot app. The children were tested initially with their scores being recorded. They then viewed the spelling animations on the app just once and were tested again one month later without viewing them again. Their average initial score was 10.75 out of 25 and 17.75 afterwards. The 141 SEN & PP students averaged 10.5 before and 18.5 afterwards which is fascinating. It’s proven that visual resources are the most powerful way to commit something to memory as a picture is much easier to recall than a group of letters. The improvements of 10 of these 141 children who were at the same school were almost off the scale: an average of 3.5 before viewing them up to 20.5 afterwards. Amazing.

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