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The Just2easy Toolsuite


Just2easy provides a complete suite of online tools for teaching and learning across the curriculum

Product Type
Exam Boards

The Just2easy Toolsuite consists of all of the Just2easy tools in one integrated, affordable package. The tools are cloud based, cross curricular and are used by pupils and teachers to create and assess diverse online content. The Toolsuite stimulates creativity and enables simple and e-safe collaboration.

Our tools include:

Brand new distance learning tools for setting homework, with video, audio, deadlines and progress tracking plus formative audio and video feedback options

Infant toolkit for painting, writing, animating, charting, coding, branching databases, mixed media presentations, listening & speaking.

Spelling games for Reception to Year 6 – including progress tracking for teachers and parents

Times tables games – including progress tracking for teachers and parents

j2code for delivering the computing curriculum

j2e5 for student creativity & learning in every subject – encourages all students to write creatively

j2data for teaching handling data from Reception to Year 6

j2office for creating, sharing or collaborating on word, excel or powerpoint files.

School website building tools

Student e-safe blogging tools

Voting & survey tools

Stop – go animation tools

The wide range of included tools cover a large portion of the primary curriculum including literacy, computing and data handling. The Toolsuite enables integration of work from devices such as tablets and phones, allowing schools to make use of material from various environments.

Use of the tools is wide ranging, from simple painting in reception class to creating sophisticated online documents, web sites, code, or databases.

The toolsuite stimulates student interactivity and collaboration. For example, J2data is a multiuser database and j2webby and j2bloggy allow comments on work from a wide audience. J2review enables learning conversations between a teacher and pupil. Both the newly added tools in j2office, as well as j2e5, enable live collaboration on a piece of work by many users across different devices such as tablets and phones.

  • j2e BETT-AWARD 2012 Winner
  • J2e BETT Award Winner 2013
  • j2e BETT Award Winner 2015
  • j2e BETT Award Winner 2017
£1495 per annum

Indicative subscription to Just2easy for an average sized UK school are around £1495 per school, per year. Please contact us for a bespoke price and any potential discounts.

Trial Options
1 month

Totally free access for all teachers, classes and individual students .

The full Just2easy toolsuite for teaching and learning with your free trial inludes

  • Unlimited student and teacher user access for your whole school or just a class
  • Access all the lesson plans and video tutorials
  • Free 30 min professional development seminar

To access your free 30 day trial of just2easy just click below.

The Role of Blogging in Digital Literacy

Case Study

I can’t remember the last time Microsoft Word was opened in our school, Just2easy provides far more than that and is perfect for all ages..

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