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Education Platform

A new way to make copies from textbooks

Product Type
Exam Boards

All state-funded schools and most Independents are covered by the CLA Licence to make copies from books for teaching.

Now the licence includes access to our new Education Platform, an easy and flexible way to make copies and share them with students – and available at no cost to licensed schools.

£0 per licence

All state-funded schools and most Independents are already covered by the CLA Licence to make copies from books for teaching. The Licence is paid for centrally by the DfE and other national education bodies and the Education Platform is FREE to licensed schools. 

Trial Options
If your school is covered by a licence you can register and use the Platform for no cost for as long as you like.

Case Study: Pleckgate High School

Case Study

Education Platform is a new way to make copies from books and share them digitally with students.

QHow do I know if we have a licence?
AAll state-funded schools in the UK hold the CLA Licence through central agreements with regional education bodies. Most Independent schools also hold the licence, but just check with IAPs, SCIS or CLA. We licence sixth form colleges and further education colleges directly, so just get in touch with CLA if you're unsure that your institution has the licence.
QWhy use this instead of a photocopier?
AThe Education Platform does not take away your ability to photocopy, but it does present some significant benefits: Access unlocked books to make copies from anywhere with an internet connection. Avoid the loss of quality that typically accompanies photocopying. Review your school holdings easily — you can review books unlocked by other members of staff for leads on more resources for lesson planning. Restore your work from one year to the next — if you want to use a copy you made in subsequent academic years, you can simply restore it for use in the following academic year. Work with fewer interruptions — lessen the need to hunt for books, queue for the copier or to stand over it when making copies for your students.

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