Edulink One
App toanage communication, homework, parents evening, clubs, registers, marksheets, behaviour + more
- Product Type
- Software
- Platform
- PCMacTabletMobileInternet-based
- Environment
- ClassroomHomeOffice/admin
Edulink One is a school engagement and management suite and runs as an app on phones and tablets or as a desktop site. It sits on top of SIMS software, making your data easily accessible anytime from any device and allowing you to manage your school easily on a daily basis.
You can:
- Communicate with messaging – email, SMS and push notifications
- Take registers
- View timetables
- Set and manage homework
- Organise clubs
- Manage assessment: update marksheets/ profiles
- Plan classroom seating
- Record and view achievements and behaviour
- Collect SIMS data collection sheets
- View cashless catering balances and transactions
- View attendance – lesson/ statutory
- Review exams timetable and results
- Manage resource bookings – from rooms to minibuses
- Lookup contacts
- Access documents
- View medical information
- Share school reports
- Plus lots more
Plus there’s only one login to remember as there’s one system.
Key Benefits
- Accessible on any device via a web browser or app means data is more accurate.
- Engage staff, students and parents.
- Improved student and parental engagement.
- Can replace multiple existing systems leading to a large cost savings.
- Highly customisable to meet the school’s needs.
Get a 30 day free trial of the full product using your data – the best way to see how user-friendly and useful our system is.
- Costs
- £2000 per annum
Annual fees:
£800 per Primary School
£2000 per Secondary School
Additional SMS message costs payable to your supplier if you use this function. (In-app push notifications are free).
- Trial Options
- 1 month
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Looking to make new partnerships?
Join us at the UK Meets USA Reception, hosted by Bett in association with BESA,… https://t.co/IuAn3FnBny
Did you know there is still time to get your ticket to the Summer Business Insight Day? Join us in just two weeks f… https://t.co/c0ty9KVjXs
We’re looking forward to attending #ISTELive with BESA members @picobricks, @KazType, @Appsevents1,… https://t.co/o0yBBb5QzN